The Story Starts Here

Every year at the start of Advent, we look at many of the same passages in the Old & New Testaments to tell the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. We look at this story from the view of Mary, Joseph, The Shepherds and the Wise Men. Sometimes we even change it up and look at what Jesus brings us: hope, joy, peace and love. But this year, I would like us to see where the story starts in each of the Gospels.

Each Gospel writer starts the story of Jesus differently. Some start with the news of his birth. Some start with his ministry. And one even starts with Him from eternity past. So what do each of those starting points tell us about the baby born in Bethlehem?

Let’s find out.

Join us this Advent & Christmas season as we begin this Sunday morning sermon series on December 1st.

How about bringing a friend with you?